Sunday, October 25, 2015


reasonable price of food in warung mina bali, culinary place in bali, renon, denpasar, ubud, dalung, legian, kuta, seminyak with natural atmosphere


natural culinary food place in bali legian
Natural Culinary Food Place in Bali
Place Name: Warung Mina
Address: Jl. Tukad Gangga No. 1 Renon, Denpasar
Phone: 0361 – 265537
Official Site:
1. Warung Mina Peguyangan
Jl. Astasura No. 91 Peguyangan
Phone: 0361 – 421086 / 0361 – 414945

2. Warung Mina Ubud
Jl. Gunung Sari No. 2, Ambengan, Peliatan, Ubud, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80227
Phone: 0361 - 976504

3. Warung Mina Dalung
Jl. Raya Padang Luwih No. 118 Dalung Kuta Utara
Phone : 0361 - 411726

4. Warung Mina Legian
Jl. Legian No. 108 Kuta
Phone: 0361 - 750504

5. Warung Mina Seminyak
Jl. Kayu Jati No.19, Petitenget, Seminyak – Bali
Phone: 0361 - 4740031

6. Warung Etnik
Jl. Legian No. 355, Kuta Badung 
Phone: 0361 – 751 707

7. Rock and Grill
Jl. Astasura No. 26 Peguyangan
Phone: 0361 – 9008080

Brief Description:
The word "Warung or Stalls" often comes to mind as a place to eat with small, cramped and a low-class food type. However, in contrary to "Warung Mina" in the Jl. Tukad Gangga No. 1 Renon, Denpasar. This kind of "Food Stall" is quite spacious with a large parking yard as well. Very suitable for those who want to hang out and eat together with extended family or beloved friends.

Warung Mina which had stood since 2007 is ready to serve visitors who want to feel the rural atmosphere equipped with blank bale (gazebo), a fish pond, beautiful garden, accompanied by Balinese gamelan rindik which makes the atmosphere more natural. Warung Mina is open from 9 am to 10 pm. If there are too many people on there, you can book a place in advance by contacting each phone number that has been provided above so you can get a seat to eat.

Warung Mina offers different kinds of food packages such as Carp Package, Chicken Packets, Seafood Packet, Meatballs, Steak, Chinese Food, equipped with various kinds of sambal (chili sauce) that will add flavor to your appetite. In addition, drinks are also available for different types of smoothies, juices, and so on. For the typical food of Warung Mina, you can try Carp Seasoning Spicy Acid, Carp Seasoning Sweet Basil and Santan, Tutu Carp, Catfish Fry, Pepes Catfish, Fried Chicken, Roasted Shrimp, Shrimp Sweet Acid / Spicy Acid  and Sweet Fried Squid Acid / Spicy Acid . Yes, Warung Mina is quite popular on Bali island, especially among the citizen, because the flavors of delicious dishes and tasty on the tongue with reasonable price. For me as a backpacker, Warung Mina becomes a recommended option because the price is friendly in my wallet.
culinary food with natural view bali warung mina
Warung Mina Kuta Bali: Reasonable Price and Natural View
In addition to the above options menu, you can also select homemade pizza and home made pasta package. Pizza menu offered in Warung Mina greatly varies from typical pizza Mina, Vegetarian, Margherita, Hawaiana, Meatlover, and Italiana pizza. Even spaghetti available here with a variety of toppings.

If you visit Warung Mina in Legian Kuta (Warung Mina Legian), then you can enjoy Bali walk while sit at the front bar. On some nights, a band will also plays popular music and they are very fun and good to sing with. Well, overall the food well priced and tasty. It also has free wifi as a bonus.

About the Author

Wasim Ahmad


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