Tuesday, November 3, 2015


gudeg:traditional javanese cuisine from yogyakarta indonesia and also a vegetarian food 

Yogyakarta (Jogja), a city that is also called as a student city and the City of Culture. In addition, Jogja also known as the City of Gudeg. This is because Gudeg often found in this city. Gudeg is a typical food of Jogja and Central Java which is made from young jackfruit (in Javanese: tewel, gori) cooked with coconut milk and flavored with kitchen spices such as onion, garlic, coriander, ginger, bay leaves, brown sugar , which is cooked with kendil (clay jar) over charcoal. With cooking using kendil and wood charcoal gives a special natural flavor that is now retained for getting special quality of Gudeg. In Jogja, almost in every corner of the city, whether it's morning, evening, or early morning, the sellers of Gudeg can always be found with bustling of buyers.
gudeg traditional javanese cuisine yogyakarta jogja
Gudeg: Traditional Javanese Cuisine from Yogyakarta (Indonesia) via www.kuliner123.com
The difference with jackfruit vegetable, Gudeg almost has no broth. To produce this kind of food - which is blackish brown with a sweet taste - is not easy. The young jackfruit chosen should be cooked for one day and one night at the top of the furnace. Brown color is usually generated by a teak leaves which are cooked simultaneously. Gudeg is eaten with rice and served with thick coconut milk (areh), chicken, eggs, tofu and sambal (spicy sauce) goreng krecek.

If you say Gudeg Jogja surely would never be able to forget a village located in the east of the North Square of Yogyakarta Kraton, namely Wijilan. From this village, Gudeg started becoming popular until around Indonesia and abroad. Not surprisingly, if most of tourists who travel to Jogja will definitely stop by Wijilan just to eat this dish.

If you stop by this Wijilan village, you will get typical atmosphere of Yogyakarta in the past. A strategic place and a comfortable well located in downtown Jogja, makes you feel comfortable to enjoy Gudeg in the township. Besides, the roads in Wijilan also has not too many traffics. Not many bikers or cars who choose this path as the main line, perhaps because the road is not wide. Therefore, you can eat Gudeg without inhaling pollution from vehicle fumes, also the hustle bustle of the city.

Gudeg Wijilan has indeed distinctive flavor, its Gudeg has a dry texture with a sweet taste. Because it is a Dry Gudeg, then this food is not perishable and can last up to 3 days. Gudeg Wijilan will usually packaged using 'besek' (box made from bamboo) or use 'kendil' (kind of small jars of burnt clay). For a small cardboard eggs Gudeg can be obtained starting at a price of Rp 6.000,- (US $0.44), while for one 'besek' of Gudeg ranged between Rp 25.000,- to Rp 40.000,- (US $1.84 to $2.94) and one kendil full of Gudeg plus side dishes can be acquired at prices ranging from Rp 50.000,- (US $3.68).
how to cook gudeg yogyakarta jogja
How to Cook Gudeg Yogyakarta (Jogja) Using Kendil via baltyra.com
If you come to Yogyakarta, you can also see the process of making Gudeg. Even in the Warung Gudeg Yu Djum is located at Jl. Wijilan no. 31 offers tour packages of cooking Dry Gudeg for those who want to try to cook it. In there you will learn to create a Gudeg, ranging from young jackfruit chopping, seasoning mix, until dish up as fine cuisine.

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Wasim Ahmad


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