Friday, October 16, 2015


tourism indonesia, lampuuk beach, the witness of tsunami in aceh

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Currently, we as a Tourism Indonesia's Team will tell one of the beaches located in Aceh also a witness history of the tsunami a few years ago. Located in Meunasah Masjid Village, the west coast of Aceh, Lhoknga, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Aceh. Placed on the Banda Aceh Calang track (Aceh Jaya), or approximately 20km from Banda Aceh city. It was rather diffcult if you want to go to Lampuuk Beach which is directly facing the Indian Ocean, because there is no public transportation here. So the only way is you must have your own a private vehicle. The approximately of travel time will take half an hour towards Meulaboh. Relax, the condition of the road leading to the beach is very nice.


Lampuuk Beach: The Witness of Tsunami in Aceh
Lampuuk beach is one of the prime tourist spot Aceh prior to the tsunami in 2004. The beach is always crowded with visitors, both from Banda Aceh, Meulaboh, or other areas. Filled with white sand and shady pine trees, this place becomes an ideal place to relieve fatigue. During the tsunami, the beach is located approximately 15 kilometers from Banda Aceh, including that suffered considerable damage. The hotels are located on the waterfront and in the surrounding residential areas were destroyed large wave slammed. However, gradually this beach was recovered. Approximately one year after the tsunami, the tourism activity on this beach was crowded again. In the process of rehabilitation and reconstruction following the tsunami, Lampuuk beach management is integrated with several other attractions in Aceh, like Weh Island, Fresh Sea Lake, and Takengon Highlands. This could be a positive influence on the efforts to restore its image as a prime tourist spot. Not only local tourists, many of NGO activists and foreign volunteers who stopped to tour the coast, especially surfing, also boost the popularity of this beach. Currently, Lampuuk beach tourism can be said to have recovered to pre-tsunami.
There are four incoming lines that can be passed by the visitors to go to a different beach sections, namely Babah Satu, Babah Dua, Babah Tiga, and Babah Empat. Each entrance named sequentially in the position, from the southernmost to the northernmost. Traversed the path that many local visitors generally are Babah Satu dan Babah Dua. Foreign tourists usually come from Babah Three line.

Now, Lampuuk beach has a coastline of about 5 kilometers and forming a small bay. With soft white sand, turquoise sea water, and waves big enough really suitable for refreshing. Inland there are pine trees lush and further row of green mountains.
Enjoying the Lampuuk Beach with Banana Boat
In addition to enjoying the beach and sea, generally visitors come for surfing (surf). Therefore, the waves were quite large but friendly enough for surfing. Banana boat and other water sports are also so coveted visitors while here. In coastal areas, there is also a Seulawah Golf Course background of the waves. In the afternoon, the beach looks more beautiful and full of charm with beautiful sunset so as to give an unforgettable pleasure.
Seafood Dishes in Lampuuk Beach
For matters of the stomach, many stalls offering seafood dishes there. The grilled fish such as grouper fish, rambe fish, squid, shrimp are suitable to be enjoyed as a lunch dish. But before trying should inquire in advance about the price at every stand selling food, especially for a traveler with a thin budget. Whereas if you want to stay at this Lampuuk beach, there is a very unique inn at the end of the beach. From a distance it just looks a high cliff, but when approached looks an inn located on the edge of a cliff, namely Joel's Bungalow. This bungalow is very unique because of the location of the lodgings located on a cliff top. In addition there are also below the bungalows in the middle of a small lagoon. But unfortunately, when we visited there was not time to wonder about the price and the facilities of Joel's Bungalow it. For more information about Joel's Bungalow, you can visit this link:
Joel's Bungalow - Beautiful Inn on the Edge of a Cliff

In another place, precisely in the village before getting to this beach, there is a large mosque namely Masjid Rahmatullah. This mosque is also a witness the awesomeness of the waves of the tsunami that devastated Aceh, in 2004. This mosque became the only building still standing strong in this township, magical indeed. In fact, when there is such huge waves, the victim is expected to thousands of people and there was nothing left of the building. So no wonder when the tsunami, the mosque is really a concern of media both local and international media. The mosque has now been renovated and enlarged, but not eliminate the original building in some of the mosques. There are also pictures of the tsunami as well as heritage goods when the tsunami. Everything is pristine without the slightest changed both in terms of form and place.

Therefore, taking the moment and worship in this mosque during a visit to the beach Lampuuk strongly recommended, especially for the Muslim religion. Guaranteed we will feel the pain and grief of victims also during a terrifying wave of 2004. Well, in a neighborhood where the mosque is standing citizens are very friendly but looks very quiet. In addition the majority of the population here has a very good eye, bright bluish-green like the middle east. Therefore, people call this village as "Turkish village". But unfortunately when we get there is not time to wonder how that term bears. So information about the Turkish village is still a question for us today.
Lampuuk Citizen Released Turtle Hatchlings
Other activities that can be done when visiting this beach is visited turtle conservation. Located in Babah Dua, turtle conservation can become a vehicle for educating children about environmental conservation. Although the bulk of activity surrounding the turtle conservation is only done at certain times, visitors can find a number of hatchlings or young turtles are housed in a small pond on one side of this area. The hatchlings will be released into the sea when they are considered enough to survive in the wild.

So, what are you waiting for? Make a great plan to visit our country. Aceh could be the great place to spend your holidays!
Video of Lampuuk Beach via

About the Author

Wasim Ahmad


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