Thursday, October 29, 2015


study sasak language when you visit lombok island


study sasak language when visit lombok
Study Sasak Language when Travelling to Lombok
When you want to visit the Lombok island, actually language is not become an obstacle in traveling to Lombok. Commonly, people on there is able to speak Indonesian (if you can use the Indonesian). However, it never hurts to know the vocabulary which commonly used in everyday conversation used by Sasak tribe (indigenous tribe of West Nusa Tenggara Province). With a little more of knowing  Sasak language vocabulary, it will make you easier to negotiate and familiarizing yourselves with local residents so that your trips will leave a deeper impression.

As one of the language groups of "Nusantara" which recognize language gradation, just like Balinese and Javanese, Sasak was recognize "form of respect" or more familiarly called the "language of the palace". This language usually used in traditional events which air-castle setting. Then, medium level is respectful language (formal). The latter is the usual language of everyday conversation.

Here, we will give some basic vocabulary, word, and phrase or sentence in formal language. At least, it is more polite to talk in circles anywhere, especially older ones.

Bahasa Inggris Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Sasak
I, Me Saya Tiang
Aku Aku
You Anda Side
Kamu Kamu
He, She, They, Them Dia Iye, Nie
Mereka Iye pade
We, Us Kami/Kita Ite
Come On! Ayo! Enteh!
Wait! Tunggu! Antih!
Don't, No! Jangan Dendeq!
Home, House Rumah Bale
Way Jalan Rurung
Motorcycle Motor Montor

Basic Conversation
What's your name? Nama kamu siapa? Sai aran side?
My name is Nama saya Aran tiang
How are you? Apa kabar? Berembe kabar?
Fine... Baik Solah
Thank you Terima kasih Tampi asih
You're welcome Sama-sama Pade-pade
I'm sorry Maaf Ampure
Yes Iya Nggih/Aoq
No Tidak Ndeq

What? Apa? Ape?
Where the address of.. Apa nama jalannya? Ape aran rurung ne?
Who? Siapa? Sai?
Who is his/her/their name? Siapa namanya? Sai aran nie?
Where? Di mana? Leq mbe?
Where is the location of Senggigi Beach? Di mana Pantai Senggigi? Leq mbe Pante Senggigi?
Where? Ke mana? Aning mbe?
Where do we go? Ke mana kita jalan? Aning mbe ite lampaq?
When? Kapan? Piran?
When we go to the beach? Kapan kita pergi ke pantai? Piran te lalo aning pante?

Meal and Beverage
Eat Makan Mangan, naken
Drink Minum Nginem
Rice Nasi Nasiq
Meat/Fish Daging/ikan Empaq
Chicken Meat Daging ayam Empaq manuq
Beef Daging sapi Empaq sampi
Seafood Ikan laut Empaq laut
Egg Telur Teloq
Side Dish Lauk-pauk Kandoq
Water Air Aiq
Coffee Kopi Kupi
I want to eat Saya mau makan Melet tiang mangan
I want to eat pelecing Saya mau makan pelecing Melet tiang ngaken pelecing
I want to drink Saya mau minum... Melet tiang nginem...
I want to drink coffee Saya mau minum kopi Melet tiang nginep kupi
Delicious! Tasty! Enak Maiq
Not Good, Not Delicious of Food Tidak enak Ndeq maiq
Too spicy Terlalu pedas Pedes laloq
Too much food Terlalu banyak Lueq laloq
Hungry Lapar Lapah
Full of food Kenyang Kembesuran

One Satu Sekeq
Two Dua Dua
Three Tiga Telu
Four Empat Empat
Five Lima Lima
Six Enam Enem
Seven Tujuh Pituq
Eight Delapan Baluq
Nine Sembilan Siwaq
Ten Sepuluh Sepulu
Eleven Sebelas Solas
Twelve Dua belas Dua olas
etc dan seterusnya...

About the Author

Wasim Ahmad


I am the founder of this blog if you like my tuts , follow me

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